Best items to support you along the way. Of course you don't need anything but your brave heart, curious mind, and _____birthday suit. But still, sometimes we could use a little help from our friends.
Let's get to know the inner workings of your mind and allow it to settle into your heart and meet your soul. Let's come into stillness together.
Retreats strengthen community and sacred sisterhood. Together we find our authentic voice, personal power and unique creative expression. When we heal ourselves, we heal the world.
Eat like a yogi. Breathe like a yogi. Live like a yogi.
Transform your life with a mindfulness based approach to living. Simple whole foods nutrition. Simple green & clean living.
Being healthy doesn't have to be hard.
We actually need very little in this life but an open heart, curious mind, and courageous soul. But if you're going to buy stuff, these are a few of my favorite things.
Face your fears.
Let yourself go.
Find your rhythm.
Find your flow.
Rites of Passage
some quote about womens empowerment, Estes??
Through women's circles and intergenerational support structures
What are rites of passage? And why do we need them?
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Transform your life with a mindfulness based approach to eating and living. Simple whole foods nutrition. Simple green & clean living.
Being healthy doesn't have to be hard.
Explore women coming together in community and sacred sisterhood. Aim to put aside competition and come together in true collaboration to listen, support and love one another. When we can heal ourselves, we can heal the world.
I do workshops. Workshops are opportunities for us to learn through experience. Practical, hands-on learning gives us the knowledge and confidence to share what we have learned. Less talk, more action... BECOME the change you want to see. Let's play!
Transform your life with a mindfulness based approach to eating and living. Simple whole foods nutrition. Simple green & clean living.
Being healthy doesn't have to be hard.
Group process work is the new therapy. When we can come together with a shared vision of radical self-responsibility, vulnerability and a commitment to personal growth, we can help each other manifest the changes we want to see. It takes a village!
Learn to cultivate a dream practice and understand the self through the dream world. It is time to meet the more hidden dimensions of self and reclaim the hours that we spend sleeping.
Discover what is holding you back from meeting your health goals. Learn tools to transform your life, and find your healthiest version of you. Get the support you need to finally create the life you want to live.
Let us journey together into the deep recesses of the unconscious. There we can uncover and clear the energy blocks that are hold us back. Come and play with me in the cosmos.
Process Work Structure
Every theme related to personal growth follows a similar format:
1) Watch a video, listen to an audio, or read an article on a specific theme related to personal growth, followed by a brief discussion.
2) Period of time processing the concepts alone through journaling, meditation, nature or somatic work.
3) Connect with a support sister in the group for assistance and sharing.
4) Come back together as a group and share growth, insights, challenges, and questions.
Join me for a full spectrum yoga practice incorporating meditation, mantra, pranayama, kriyas, layas and hatha yoga vinyasa flow. Learn to listen to the body, open the heart, still the mind and free the spirit.
Learn how to drop out of the mind and into the body. Discover your own creative flow and experience what it is like to dance like a kid again. Dance is the pathway to our soul. Come, let us find our souls together on the dance floor.
Retreats strengthen community and sacred sisterhood. We will journey near and far, always TOGETHER, to support one another to find our authentic voice, personal power and unique creative expression. When we can heal ourselves, we can heal the world.