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More than just a cute butt

Work with me to learn a new and exciting full spectrum yoga practice

Mere philosophy will not satisfy us.

We cannot reach the goal by mere words alone.

Without practice, nothing can be achieved.


- Swami Satchidananda

The Yoga Sutras 

Come yoga with me...


With so many tools in the yoga toolbox, from kriyas, to pranayama, to mantras and mudras, the possibilities for creation are endless. Welcome to a full spectrum practice. In these classes, we will explore many aspects of a yoga practice and I guarantee you will never get bored.


Once you go kriyas, you can never go back...


Kriyas are dynamic poses using breath, mantra, mudra and are practiced for a sustained period of time to activate the subtle energy body, create internal heat and facilitate profound transformation. 


Kundalini kriya classes are typically non-heated. Heat can be created from the inside out. Breath and kriyas activate and open the energy (prana) channels so that our bodies move more fluidly. When we learn to work with the prana in our yoga practice we can prevent injury, we energize rather than fatigue, and we create a sustainable yoga practice. 



Yoga Classes




This dynamic class is a blend of kundalini kriyas, layas, pranayama, mantra, mudra and hatha yoga vinyasa flow.


+ Non-heated

+ Intermediate Level

+ 75 minutes





These yin classes use slower kriyas, layas, pranayama, mantra, mudra and hatha yoga to encourage relaxation and introspection.


+ Non-heated


+ 75 minutes



Check out my schedule to find my current class offerings, or contact me for private yoga classes online or in-person in Gort, County Galway Ireland.



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Energy locks at the base of spine, naval and throat. Used to harness, contain and move energy within the body.


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Specific hand postures which lock and guide energy flow and reflexes to the brain. 


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Specific postures coupled with breath, mantra or mudra, used to produce a specific outcome.


Expansion of life force energy through breathwork.

Prana = life force

Ayama = expansion.

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The foundation of the yoga practice. Sustained focus to increase internal stillness and awareness.

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A word or sound used to enter into a deep state of meditation.

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A physical pose or posture used in yoga to prepare the body to sit in meditation.

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Vortices where energy converges in the body.

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Energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. Once activated can lead to endless supply of creative energy. 

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Interested in a full spectrum practice? 
Sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date with classes, retreats & workshops.  
Are you a new or experienced yogi that wants to learn more? A yoga teacher that wants to collaborate?
Contact me and let's get on our mats!

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