classes, workshops, retreats...

Saturday February 5, 2022
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM GMT
Bridge Street Gort, County Galway
Dance & the Work That Reconnects
Work That Reconnects (practices for building resilience in times of crisis) along with movement & dance, to help us live well in hard times.
About this event
Offered on a sliding scale (needs-based) economy. Please consider your financial means and position, and give what you are able. Larger contributions enable the possibility of scholarship for those who are under-resourced. Please consider your capacity to support others! Thank you!
Come spend the afternoon in an inspiring, nourishing, and healthy way. This is primarily a movement-based workshop, with much focus on using movement to build resilience and connect with our inner resources when times are tough out there. We will also weave in practices from the Work That Reconnects (WTR), which is a body of work that supports us in building our resilience (individually and together) in times of crisis. We will use our minds as well as our bodies, in an effort to create integrated learning, growth, and action.
This workshop aims to acknowledge that we are in a time of massive and complex global crises; and that this affects each of us, whether we admit it to ourselves or not. We aim to offer resources and practices to help us live well, contribute meaningfully, and even thrive, in such a world. In this workshop we cultivate something called 'Active Hope.' Active hope is a verb, not a noun. It's something we DO. We don't just hold on to some blind faith that everything will turn out alright. Instead, we cultivate Active Hope with THREE STEPS: 1) Acknowledge the truth of where we are, 2) Identify a hoped-for future, and 3) Take active steps in that direction. All the elements of this workshop will provide opportunities to cultivate Active Hope, through mind, body, and community connection.
The movement and dance portions of the workshop will be gently facilitated. Guidance is offered to help you explore through movement, but the way you move is always up to you. Absolutely NO dance experience is necessary whatsoever. All physical abilities are welcome (though you will need to be able to climb stairs to enter the studio.)
Movement & dance portions of the workshop will include the following elements:
-Connecting with inner intelligence, responses, and resources
-Restoring feedback loops in our bodies so that we have a more responsive and resilient system
-Simply coming home to the body in order to be more present and engaged in the world, and experience more beauty and joy
-Honouring our pain, struggles, and challenges
-Envisioning and creating embodied solutions in the world
-Finding, investigating, and (possibly) shifting patterns in ourselves
-Embodying change and resilience
In addition, The Work That Reconnects (WTR) will be introduced in order to deepen our experience, build local community, clarify our needs and our challenges, and support us in taking actual steps in our lives as we Go Forth from the workshop.
Based in the teachings of Joanna Macy, the WTR has roots in Living Systems Theory, Deep Ecology, indigenous traditions and non-dual spirituality. The WTR is a collection of practices that help us to re-discover our humanity again and again. It aids us in navigating disorienting times by connecting to our care for Life, tending our relationships with each other, welcoming challenging emotions as fuel, and empowering us to use the resources we already have to act on behalf of life.
This workshop is offered on a sliding-scale (needs-based) economy. Please consider your financial means and position, and give what you are able. Larger contributions enable the possibility of scholarship for those who are under-resourced. Please consider your capacity to support others! Thank you!
Contact Anna (AnnaSwisherIreland@gmail.com) for more information.
Interested in more Work That Reconnects? Consider checking out this FREE INTRO.
Find out more about Anna HERE.